Does it matter what furnace filter you use?

The type of filter you use will influence how often it needs to be changed, as will the size of your home, how often the air conditioning system is turned on, if you have pets in your home, and if anyone in your household has allergies or other medical conditions. Overall, our recommended MERV rating for oven filters ranges from 6 to 8, ensuring a perfect balance between maximum oven efficiency and home comfort.

Does it matter what furnace filter you use?

The type of filter you use will influence how often it needs to be changed, as will the size of your home, how often the air conditioning system is turned on, if you have pets in your home, and if anyone in your household has allergies or other medical conditions. Overall, our recommended MERV rating for oven filters ranges from 6 to 8, ensuring a perfect balance between maximum oven efficiency and home comfort. Once you know the required filter dimensions and the desired MERV rating, it's time to choose the type of air filter for your home. For example, a better MERV rating doesn't always mean that a filter is the best choice for your boiler.

Cheap woven fiberglass filters do one thing: they remove dirt and debris that could damage the oven fan motor, although they do remove some pollen and mold spores. There are several types of filters that can be used and it can be difficult to select the filter that best suits your needs. No filter manufacturer can predict how long their filters will last because none of them know the dusty conditions in your home, so you should check it often. How often you need to replace a boiler filter will depend on the type you purchased and the air quality in your home. A clogged filter can cause both the boiler and air conditioner to work harder and less efficiently.

The Minimum Efficiency Information Value (MERV) measures the effectiveness of an oven air filter in capturing particles. You may be wondering why oven filters are so expensive and whether you'll get the most out of an expensive one. Simply insert the filter into the slot with the arrow pointing towards the air flow (usually the fan) and make sure it is properly adjusted and does not leave gaps in the filter grille. Choosing the right MERV rating for your boiler filter has a big impact on indoor air quality, your air conditioning system and, most importantly, your family's well-being.

In a home with average air quality, fiberglass filters should not be replaced more than once a month and pleated filters every 30 to 90 days. If you are buying a replacement filter in a large store, don't fall into the arbitrary classification of filters that some companies impose on their filters. Choosing the right boiler filter is about balancing indoor air quality with the capabilities of your air conditioning system. For example, an oven filter measuring 18 x 16 x 1 is 18 inches long, 16 inches wide and 1 inch deep.